What lovely, delicate things Mother Nature gives us. Today is so beautiful, it almost takes your breath away. Everything straining to burst and bloom, from the tiniest flowers like these to the tallest trees. I almost stepped on these little beauties until I looked down and there they were scattered across the ground like the smallest of petals. Just so happy to smile at the sun.
Hi Ma,
Another beautiful picture by you. You should link this up with Amy's Green Day piece and let's do a weekly update on ideas or accomplishiments in the name of doing our share for the environment.
Hi Honey,
Glad to hear from you. Did you have fun? How did the babies fare? And what's this "we"? Why don't you start a blog. We'd love it.
P.S. I have 2 bags now. One from Trader Joe's because I liked the graphics and 1 from Wegman's because it is huge. I am trying to remember to take them everywhere with me.
Beautiful picture with those sweet little flowers.
I love the new header too! I see you put some stuff to use.
I need bags too.
Hi Chris.
Love you.
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