It's so cold and wintery here; it's definitely time for an adventure. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? A tropical island maybe? Or would you dare go on a once-in-lifetime Australian Walkabout? Would you want to explore ancient ruins, swim with the sharks, or cavort with polar bears? All these travels are possible on Ajira Airlines and for just $87.00 a trip. Check out their offer to fly you to a mysterious destination where you will have the adventure of your life. You might even get "Lost." Sounds good to me.
I wanna do this! Wanna go with me? It would be such fun.
I love that Lost does that. This is yet another reason it's the best show on TV.
Wait, it's not real? I don't watch Lost. I thought it was a good idea. I did wonder how you would know what to pack though. Hmm...
It's like "Survivor." All you have is what you wear. So remember to Layer.
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