The minute we crossed the state line into Maine, a little chant began in my head. Bill said he heard it too. "Lobster, lobster, lobster," it said. I couldn't make it stop. When we checked into our inn, the proprietor asked if we wanted any dinner recommendations. "Sure, that would be great," we said. "My favorite," he said, "is the Thistle Inn. They have the most delicious duck." Duck! Duck? Who wants duck in Maine. We can get duck in Malvern for cripes' sake. Needless to say, we ignored his suggestions and took ourselves down to Boothbay Harbor and found a little rickety lobster shack and gorged ourselves. Mmmm. Maine lobster really spoils you for lobster anywhere else. It is so fresh and tender and scrumptious. Right on the water, paper plates, steamed to perfection. It doesn't get much better than this. Am I making you hungry? Come to Maine.
Man alive, that does look like the good stuff. Do you even bother to order side dishes or just keep eating lobster? Anyhoo, I'm glad you found a spot to get online, it's good to get the updates. Right now I have to go the seafood store (I somehow got a craving) so I'll check the prior updates in a bit. Happy eatin'!
You can just order the lobster by itself or get the Lobster Dinner which includes a biscuit, ear of corn, or some such utterly unnecessary side dish. You would love it here so much, honey. You have to plan a trip soon. After Florence.
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