I found this beautiful silver Mercury glass tree at Target and just had to buy it. I love Mercury glass; it looks so antique to me, even though there's lots of it around. I read that it is actually double-blown glass that is filled with a silver nitrate solution and sealed up almost like the inside of a thermos bottle. I like the kind that is etched and kind of irregular on the inside/outside (?), like it is peeling from within/or without. I think this tree will be my inspiration for Christmas decorating this year. My house will be silvery, frosty and glittery. I think I will go rummage in the attic and find things I can spray paint silver and dip into glass glitter.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Need Some Christmas Spirit
I found this beautiful silver Mercury glass tree at Target and just had to buy it. I love Mercury glass; it looks so antique to me, even though there's lots of it around. I read that it is actually double-blown glass that is filled with a silver nitrate solution and sealed up almost like the inside of a thermos bottle. I like the kind that is etched and kind of irregular on the inside/outside (?), like it is peeling from within/or without. I think this tree will be my inspiration for Christmas decorating this year. My house will be silvery, frosty and glittery. I think I will go rummage in the attic and find things I can spray paint silver and dip into glass glitter.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
No Matter Where You Look. . .

beauty is all around. Well, I guess the good times are over. We had a hard frost last night and the water in the birdbath froze. But Thanksgiving Day was the most beautiful in memory. Balmy and breezy and nice enough to be outside almost all day. We had a wonderful dinner at Chris and Shannon's with Amy, Marc and children (and dogs). We got home in time for Survivor and then watched another movie and finally went to bed way too late. Last night Chase slept over because Amy and Marc went to her high school reunion and Saige had a sleepover date. We had fun going to Anthony's for dinner and then we watched Robin Hood and made some progress with the leftover desserts Chris sent home with us. Chase slept late this morning which he said was not like him, but "the bed was so comfortable." Peace and joy.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, November 9, 2007
Schmap Philadelphia
I was asked if I would permit this Map of Philadelphia site to use my Logan Circle fountain photo I took last spring when we went downtown to see the King Tut exhibit. This was for my photography class assignment to freeze water with a fast shutter speed. So that's pretty neat.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
American Gangster

When Bill told me how long this movie was (2 hrs, 37 min), I thought, "uh oh." I get itchy after 2 hours sitting in one place. I did want to see this though because Denzel is my favorite actor. Truthfully, the first 2 hours flew by; it was only during the last half hour that I became conscious of the movie itself. It had a lot to wrap up and it had to hurry up and do it or else we'd all be sitting there for 3+ hours.
All that said, this is one terrific movie, and Denzel will win the best actor Oscar for it. He is riveting as Frank Lucas, the one-time driver/bodyguard for a black drug boss in Harlem. When the boss dies, Frank slowly and carefully takes over the drug business and becomes the Drug Lord #1. He is smart and canny and if it weren't for that darn chinchilla coat, he'd probably still be at it. Russell Crowe is very good, but the performance to beat is Denzel's. Some of the scenes of drug devastation are hard to watch, but they have to be there or you'd be rooting too much for Denzel. As much as you like him, you have to see the evil and destruction he caused.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
It's Not Easy Being Green

Also, while I'm on the topic of being off the topic, I thought I'd mention some changes we noticed while traveling this time. Both of the places we stayed used in-tub dispensers for soap, shampoo, shower gel, and maybe something else, I forget. Anyway, while I applaud their efforts to reduce waste, I still like my own bar of soap in the shower. I thought it was a pain to have to keep pressing the button to get a lather going. So, I am going to hunt up my little plastic soap box to take my own soap with me from now on. Now, this was not true in Maine, but it was in Virginia. Maybe it's a southern thing.
Moreover, in both Maine and Virginia, we were asked if we minded if they didn't change our sheets every night. I've always thought that was a big waste of time and resources anyway, so we said just leave them. They will change them after 3 days, I think it was, in both places. Same with towels; if you want clean ones, just leave them on the floor. If not, hang them up. Makes sense to me.

And finally, for all you water drinkers, stop buying those bottles. Just reuse your old ones. Tap water is just as good. See this from today's Inquirer This is apparently the PC bottle to be using and using and using. Although, I don't see what's wrong with the odd Aquafina or Dasani bottle you already have if you rinse it out and refill it. Let's just use some sense here.
A Little Rest From the Travelogue

Here is a new thing I recently found. You can subscribe to it -- VSL, a very short, free daily e-mail that describes interesting things to see, read, and hear that you might never hear of otherwise. Did I mention that it’s 100% free? Click on my red title above.
James River Plantations
The river sits behind this view, of course.
On Wednesday morning we drove 35 miles out on Va. Rt. 5, a very rural road, to see a couple of the James River Plantations. The river was the primary means of travel in Colonial times and you can see why when you take this drive. It is really the back of beyond. My overriding thought the whole time was "how did these people manage to get to these places--let alone get materials and provisions out here?" The only way possible a couple of hundred years ago was the rivers. Shirley Plantation is still the home of the original family who built the place way back when. They have taken good care of it and still farm corn, cotton, and soy beans. I loved the little dovecote until I read that they liked fresh quail or dove for dinner. Of course, I have a nice choice of restaurants which they didn't. There is that
After Shirley, we stopped in to see Berkeley Plantation, home of Benjamin Harrison, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States.
After Shirley, we stopped in to see Berkeley Plantation, home of Benjamin Harrison, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of the United States.
Not very good pictures: there was a lot of shrubbery around the house and it was hard to get a good angle on it. The second picture shows you the garden path to the river. Look at the bark on this tree; I don't know what kind of tree it is, but it was so smooth you couldn't help but run your hand along it.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Williamsburg--Not Busch Gardens
The Governor's Palace
I guess by now you see I am working backwards here. Oh well, I didn't have much time to post or a reliable WIFI connection, so this will have to do. Wednesday was our Williamsburg day. Half day, actually. We spent the morning at the river plantations, and reserved the afternoon for a walk around the restored area of Williamsburg. We just walked; we didn't buy the big ticket and go in anyplace. We've been in many of the buildings before and it was a beautiful afternoon, so we opted to just stroll and take in the sights. Here are a few photos.
Somebody else's palace
A carriage ride
Williamsburg has grown tremendously since we were last here. It was a little alarming to tell the truth. The restored area is much the same, of course, but the outlying areas are gigantitic compared to what we remember. The area's primary mission was education, but now there are so many attractions designed to take attention away from that, that it's a bit sad. This guy looks pretty tired of it all, doesn't he? He just looks like he's thinking, "Man, I wish this day was over." Most of the character people looked that way.
They even have Colonial kiosks selling colonial goods. I don't remember that from before.
Here's Chowning's Tavern where we ate on our honeymoon. It was charming then. Now it's a kind of snack bar with tables in the back and rope waiting lines like at an amusement park. Takes the edge off the charm--for me at least. I don't think we'll go back. It's just too different.

We Visit A President's Home (Surprise!)
The means of defense against foreign danger historically
have become the instrument of tyranny at home.
James Madison
On Thursday we left Yorktown for a visit to Montpelier, the home of James and Dolley Madison, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We were surprised to find a work in progress. Montpelier is in the midst of a $29 million dollar restoration that is not scheduled to be done for a few more years, but they let you in anyway. We were so glad they did. It was kind of a cross between This Old House and The History Detectives, and we enjoyed it immensely. The home has passed through 8 or 10 owners since Dolley was forced to sell it in the 1840's to pay off debts, and each one added or changed something to the point where even old James himself probably wouldn't have recognized it. The architectural team spent a long time evaluating if it was even possible to restore it before they started. Then they began collecting evidence from old records, photographs, and the house itself to form a plan to restore it as authentically as possible. Of course, they had to raise a lot of money at the same time. Here's some of what you see during the tour which explains much more about the restoration than James and Dolley. Their day will come eventually, I'm sure.
This is a painstaking project where they even examine the nail holes in the old plaster walls to try to discover where certain pictures were hung. But they are installing modern systems such as HVAC and copper rain gutters to ensure the property lasts a long time after they are finished. All the wiring and ductwork is inserted in the many fireplace chimneys because they won't need them for real fires. They even make bricks when they need them from the same soil they were originally made from right on the property. You really get to see the bare bones of the house and learn what they have discovered in the process. It is a fascinating tour; quite different than most home tours where what you see is the finished product with very little attention given to what went into its creation. The gardens are not of the Madison era, but there's too much to do about the house to worry about them. So they are being left in a formal English style created later than the Madisons. I'm sure Dolley would approve.
I liked this view through the garden gate.
They've even got a blog about this project.
It Hasn't Changed Much
It was a little scary going back to Big Meadows after such a long time. We were really afraid it might have changed, and we liked it so much the way we remember it. So I'm happy to report that it hasn't changed much at all. It looks just the same from the outside and the beautiful dining hall may have new window treatments and fancier tableclothes and napkins, but they still had the turkey dinner on the menu and, for the most part, it was perfect.

A couple of improvements are tvs in the rooms and pillowtop mattresses, which kind of suprised me. But, boy, was it ever cold up on that mountain! We wore light jackets and sweatshirts and I had mittens, but most people were bundled up in winter coats. I was cold all night. Here is where you wanted to be.
The next morning we ate breakfast and lit out for home. It was no day to be hiking around in the mountains. Not for us, at least.
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